Friday, March 5, 2010

There are billions of people on the face of the globe who have never walked (if you can call it walking) in a Florida swamp. That is good - in a way - because the swamps would get pretty crowded if the whole world tried to get in. Still, a swamp is a beautiful thing. Most of you receiving this probably don't get much quality swamp time, so here is a picture I made just the other day.

Nature photography is probably everyone's favorite. I know I sure love to get outdoors and shoot. The sky was overcast on this day and that fact made the soft lighting possible. Otherwise, the highlights and shadows would have just been overwhelming.

Many thanks to the poople at the Indian River Land Trust in Vero Beach, FL for including me in the outing that resulted in this and serveral other photographs.

There are more on my webiste:


  1. Actually nude portraits are a favorite of mine. But then again, I'm not "everyone"

  2. As always Phil, another beautiful photograph...
